TOP Study abroad from Hirosaki University Voices of people who have studied abroad Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences XNUMXth year Miyako Yamamoto

Study abroad from Hirosaki University

Voices of people who have studied abroad

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences XNUMXth year Miyako Yamamoto

[Destination] Kyungki University (Korea)
[Study abroad period] August 2019 to January 8.
[Type of study abroad] Long-term study abroad at a partner university

We participated in a table tennis tournament for foreign students!

I received a certificate and a prize for 4th place.

On Saturday, November 11nd, the Gyeonggi University President's Cup Table Tennis Tournament for Foreign Students was held at Gyeonggi University.Mr. Yamamoto, who is studying abroad from our university, also participated and won 2th place.

Gyeonggi University article here.

(경기대학교 총장배 외국인 유학생 탁구대회: Korean from Gyeonggi University official website)

*This article is published with permission from Kyunggi University.