
About scholarships 

*September 2024, 129update!!

1. Grant-type grants/scholarships
  i. University open recruitment
   1. Hirosaki University grants for international students
   2. External organizations/foundations, etc.
  ii Individual application
   ≪Scholarship search site≫
2. Loan type scholarship


1. Grant-type grants/scholarships

i.University open recruitment

(1) Subsidy for Hirosaki University international students

This is only for students currently enrolled at Hirosaki University.

Amounts and other information are subject to change, so please check the latest information at the time of study abroad consultation.

In addition, there may be other grant-type or loan-type scholarships available, so please inquire at the International Affairs Department.

Name Target Message Document distribution/submission destination

Hirosaki University
Japan Foundation

①Students who have studied abroad at an affiliated university (for 3 months or more) 45,000 yen upper limit International Cooperation Headquarters
support office
  • A subsidy will be provided as part of the travel expenses after submitting the necessary documents after returning to Japan.
②Those who have participated in a short-term program at an affiliated university (less than 3 months, English-speaking countries)

45,000 yen upper limit

3) Those who have participated in a short-term program at a partner university (less than XNUMX months, non-English speaking country)

25,000 yen upper limit

3) Those who have participated in a program conducted by a university other than the partner university for less than three months and have completed the procedures through our university.

30,000 yen upper limit

⑤Those who have been accepted for an exchange program to an English-speaking university

TOEFL-ITP test fee
(1 time) equivalent amount

Hirodai Ambassador Activity Support Grant 

①Students of our university who will begin studying abroad at an overseas partner university during the 6 academic year


②Those who are willing to act as ambassadors

100,000 yen (5 yen if the study abroad period is less than 50,000 months)

International Relations Headquarters Support Office

  • Activities as an ambassador include disseminating information at least once a month, writing "Study Abroad Newsletter" and "Study Abroad Experience Report," and reporting on results after returning home.Please check the details before applying.


  • The subsidy will be paid after you return to your country and submit the required documents.

TOEIC tuition fee support

More than half a year has passed since the last time you used the tuition support system

(Repeat exam discount is 5,100 yen)

Academic Affairs Department, Academic Affairs Division
liberal arts education

For assistance with this examination fee, please contact the Education Group (General Education Section), Academic Affairs Division, Academic Affairs Department.

(2)External organizations/foundations, etc.

This is an overseas study scholarship that you apply for through the university.

Name Target Message Document distribution/submission destination

Tobitate! Study Abroad JAPAN Japan Representative Program

①Students with Japanese nationality or students who have been granted permanent residency in Japan by the time of application

(XNUMX) Students enrolled in a course aimed at graduating or obtaining a degree at a Japanese university, etc.

③Students under the age of 30

④Students, etc. who have not been adopted as an exchange student in the past under this system

Study Abroad Reserve (fixed amount),
Tuition fee (fixed amount)

※Detail isTobitate!Study Abroad JAPAN Japan Representative Program HP,Tobitate's page

【The instructor】
International Cooperation Headquarters
Associate Professor Junichiro Suwa

If you have any questions before consulting with your professor, please use the International Cooperation Office's Study Abroad Consultation Service. To make a reservation, please contact


Baba Foundation International Understanding Education Scholarship

① Those who are studying abroad for more than 3 months and less than 12 months and are planning to start their study abroad within FY5.

(2) Japanese students enrolled as regular students in the second year or higher of the undergraduate school or graduate school for teaching at the start of study abroad

(XNUMX) Those who aim to become an elementary and secondary school teacher after graduating from university, and who have completed or completed a teacher training course and have obtained a license.

④ Those who do not receive other scholarships for the purpose of studying abroad, and who can be recommended by the president of the current university (*)

Scholarship: 10 per month

Study abroad preparation fund:

Asia region 15 Yen

Other areas 25 Yen

International Relations Headquarters Support Office

*If you are receiving a loan-type scholarship, you can apply.

*Recruitment guidelines etc. will be given to you at the support office.

  • Admission Information
  • Application
  • letter of recommendation

[Payment period]

From April 6 to maximum March 4


[Recruitment period]

Until Monday, December 5, 12


Gyomu Super Japan Dream Foundation Study Abroad Scholarship

①Those who are studying abroad on a study abroad program that does not include language training and is based on an inter-university or inter-departmental agreement of six months or one semester or more

②Those who meet the application qualifications, academic standards, and language proficiency standards listed in the application guidelines

Scholarship: 15 Yen or 20 Yen per month

Lump-sum study abroad grant: 15 Yen or 25 Yen (for scholarship recipients)

International Cooperation Headquarters
support office


[Target study abroad programs]



[On-campus deadline]

Thursday, June 2025, 1 16:17

If you apply, please submit the necessary documents to the Support Office by the date and time listed above.


[Recruitment period]




JEES/Ishibashi Foundation Scholarship

① In principle, Japanese students who plan to enter a master's or doctoral course at an overseas university as regular students in the 2023 academic year

②Those majoring in art history

③Those who meet the application qualifications listed in the recruitment guidelines

Scholarship: 15 per month International Cooperation Headquarters
support office


[Payment period]

Maximum of 2 years from October 2023


[Recruitment period]

Until Friday, June 5, 6


ii. Individual application

Please apply directly to each scholarship organization after confirming the details on each recruitment guide, organization website, etc.

Name Target Scholarship amount Remarks
2024 Study Abroad Support System (Graduate degree acquisition type)

・Persons who have Japanese nationality or are permitted to permanently reside in Japan (including special permanent residents)

・Persons whose current age as of April 2024, 4 is as follows:

① Persons aiming to obtain a “master’s” degree: Under 35 years old

② Persons aiming to obtain a “doctoral” degree: Under 40 years old

・Persons whose proficiency in the main language used at the host university is at or above the level listed below.

① Those whose main language at the host university is English The score of the English proficiency test taken by the time of application is TOEFL iBT (internet-based test) 95 points or IELTS 6.5 (Academic Module Overall Band Score) or higher Those who meet the standards of

② Those whose main language used at the host university is other than English. Those whose score in the language test taken in the main language taken by the time of application is C1 level or above of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR).

・Cumulative GPA over the entire period of enrollment is 3.00 or higher (assuming the highest value is 4.00) regarding the most recent grades after university undergraduate studies (for those who are expected to graduate from university or graduate from a master's program, the course they are enrolled in at the time of application). person

Others (see recruitment guidelines)

・Scheduled to be around 15 yen to 35 yen (varies depending on the country/region of your study abroad destination)

・New hires will receive 16 yen in travel support at the start of support.

2025 Fulbright Scholarship Program for Japanese

・Have Japanese nationality. (Persons with dual nationality or permanent residency in the United States and Japan are not eligible to apply.)*
A person residing in Japan.

・Have sufficient English proficiency to be able to carry out academic activities in the United States without any hindrance. In addition to academic ability, applicants must also have high communication skills.

・Have a broad perspective and interest, not just specialized knowledge about the topic you are planning to research in the United States.

・Must be in good physical and mental health to be able to carry out academic activities in the United States without any hindrance.

In addition, there are requirements for each program.

For details, WebsitePlease refer to.

・Benefits vary depending on the program, so please check for details. here.

Takeshi Iizuka Scholarship Foundation Public Interest Incorporated Foundation

6 Study Abroad Support Scholarship Students

(2024) Those who are expected to graduate from a high school or special needs school high school (hereinafter referred to as "high school") in Tochigi Prefecture in March 3 and wish to enter a university with a four-year degree or higher in April 2024. Man.

(2) A person with high aspirations, good behavior, excellent academic performance, and who can be expected to play an active role as a sensible member of society in the future.

(3) Those who are deemed to need financial assistance to complete their studies at university.

⑷ Those who have an average learning score (5-level rating) of 4.3 or higher throughout all grades of high school, or those who are recognized by the principal to have the same level of academic ability in the upper division of a special needs school.

(Note) Universities in (1) and (3) are Japanese universities as stipulated in the School Education Act.

¥ 55,000 / month

Heiwa Nakajima Foundation (Nakajima Ken Memorial Scholarship)

2025 (Reiwa 7) Japanese International Student Scholarships


Those who wish to study at a graduate school abroad

Those without a PhD, EIKEN Grade 1 holders, etc.

Click here for details:Admission Information


30 yen per month

and round-trip travel expenses

Admission Information

≪Scholarship search site≫



2. Loan type scholarship

Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)

▼Type 1 scholarship (interest-free)

▼Type 2 Scholarship (interest-bearing)

Applications are accepted every spring (April) and fall (September to October). For details on monthly loan amounts, etc., please see the following page.

Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) Loan Scholarship

If you are not currently using a loan scholarship from the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) and are considering using a scholarship while studying abroad, we recommend that you apply early (ideally at least six months before the start of your study abroad period).

*To be accepted, you must meet both academic and household financial standards.




in principle,Scholarship payments will stop during your leave of absence.If you plan to take a leave of absence to study abroad and would like your scholarship to continue being paid during your study abroad, you must submit documents such as the "Application for Continuation of Scholarship for Study Abroad" to the Student Affairs Division at least two months before the start of your study abroad and obtain approval from the Japan Student Services Organization.

▼Special Increased Loan Scholarship for Study Abroad (with interest)

If you are currently using a loan scholarship from the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) and meet the specified conditions and are approved by the JASSO, you can receive an additional lump sum (10 yen to 50 yen in 10 yen increments) in addition to your current Category XNUMX or Category XNUMX scholarship. If you would like to use this scholarship, please contact the Student Affairs Division as soon as possible (preferably at least six months before the start of your study abroad).

*After approval of this scholarship, you will be required to sign and submit a "Repayment Pledge" during your studies abroad.


For more information, please contact the Financial Support Section of the Student Affairs Department (Window 1, 7st floor, General Education Building).