TOP Study abroad from Hirosaki University Voices of people who have studied abroad Motoi Kanai, XNUMXth year, Faculty of Humanities

Study abroad from Hirosaki University

Voices of people who have studied abroad

Motoi Kanai, XNUMXth year, Faculty of Humanities

[Destination] Dalian University of Technology (China)
[Study abroad period] September XNUMX to January XNUMX (XNUMX months)


 Q.About classes at your study abroad destination

 The classes for international students were mainly language (Chinese), and I was assigned to the intermediate class.The curriculum at Dalian University of Technology places particular emphasis on the ability to speak, and I felt that the class was very fulfilling because there were many opportunities to make presentations and debates in front of classmates, and to practice and speak out.In addition to the main classes, there were also elective classes in which students could take subjects of interest, such as martial arts, HSK (Chinese proficiency test) preparation, calligraphy, linguistics, and business Chinese.

 Basically, from XNUMX:XNUMX in the morning to around noon, I had classes in the afternoon on XNUMX out of XNUMX days a week, and after school I had to do elective classes, assignments and self-study until the next day.


 Q.What do you remember most?

 I was selected as a representative of the university speech contest.Prior to speaking in Chinese, I was not very good at speaking in front of people, so I was worried about whether I would be able to speak in front of a large audience in a really large venue.We were honored to win third place.Many of my listeners were international students, and some of them didn't understand Chinese very well, so I put a lot of effort into using my own movements and facial expressions to convey my message in a way that was easy for them to understand.


 Q.What are the advantages of studying in China?

 There are three main types. The first isYou can have a stimulating experience that is different from studying abroad in an English-speaking countryBy the way.Anyway, there are many things I see for the first time, and it is stimulating and interesting.It is the same with meeting people from various countries, and there are many visually interesting things such as shops, buildings, and cutting-edge technology.You can go to various places and try various things without worrying about money.

 The second iseasy lifeBy the way.Prices are cheap, so living expenses are around 24 to XNUMX yen per month.Mobile phone charges are cheap, and traveling within China is very inexpensive.Banks and post offices are open on Saturdays and Sundays, and ATMs are open XNUMX hours a day.There are many similarities between Japan and Japan in terms of food and lifestyle, so I think that Japanese people will be able to get used to life quickly.Many people in Dalian have a relatively good impression of Japanese people, and there are many people who will help you if you are in trouble.

 The third isMobile phone service is convenient and easy to useBy the way.In China, payment methods include cash or mobile phone payments.If you open a bank account in China, you will be able to make mobile payments. Payment can be made simply by scanning the QR code, so there is no need to carry change or a wallet.There are also other services such as a service that allows you to reserve cheap tickets and a service that allows you to easily order food delivery.