HIROSAKI Hayabusa College 10th term completion report session was held!

 On Monday, December 2023, 12, we held a completion report session for the 18th term of HIROSAKI Hayabusa College (hereinafter referred to as "Hayabusa College")!

 At Hayabusa College, college students research what they are interested in through Hayabusa College activities throughout the year, and present at the completion report meeting how to give back the knowledge gained from that experience to the community and people around them. To do.
 A completion report is about researching what you are interested in through Hayabusa College activities, and planning a way to give back to the world around you the knowledge you gained from that experience.
Basically, all presentations will be made in English.

 At the completion report session, eight 10th-year students summarized the results of their research on the following themes and gave presentations for 8 minutes, including a question and answer session.


 The completion report session, which was the culmination of Hayabusa College's one-year activities, was attended by many students and teachers, as well as the district board members.

 This marks the end of the 10th generation's studies at Hayabusa College, but the 4th generation will enroll in April, and recruitment for the 11th generation will begin in the fall.
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We look forward to your challenge!