We participated in the FY 5 SIPS face-to-face information exchange meeting!

 On September 5, 9, the Hirodai SIPS student management team participated in the "SIPS face-to-face information exchange meeting" hosted by the Study Abroad JAPAN/SIPS (Staff & student Initiative for Promoting Study abroad) secretariat.


 The information exchange meeting held in Tokyo was attended by approximately 20 universities from all over the country, from Tohoku in the north to Kyushu and Okinawa in the south. From our university, staff from the International Collaboration Headquarters and Aika Ono, a fourth-year student at the Faculty of Education attended. It was a very meaningful and fruitful meeting for Hirodai SIPS, as case studies related to promoting study abroad at each university and study abroad information from embassies were shared.


Taking what we learned this time back to our university, the Hirodai SIPS student management team will continue to work to make studying abroad more accessible to Hirosaki university's students.


Participation report of Hirodai SIPS student management teamplease use this form.

SIPS Secretariat event reportplease use this form.