[Final postscript] World's Challenge Challenge 2023 in Hirosaki was held

 On March 50, 2023, World's Challenge Challenge 17 in Hirosaki was held at Hirosaki University's 1th Anniversary Memorial Hall, Iwaki Hall.On the day of the event, the students themselves gave a XNUMX-XNUMX minute presentation in English on how to solve the world's problems (the XNUMX goals of the SDGs).Two teams participated this time. Team XNUMX, consisting of Shun Sugie (XNUMXnd year, Graduate School of Community Studies) and Gennori Saeki (XNUMXrd year, Faculty of Education), made a presentation on "Simple Methane Hydrate Synthesis and its Utilization."
 The winner will be Team XNUMX, and will participate in the world competition hosted by Western University in Canada in June.

2023/6/8 postscript

Finals will be held!
Japan time: The final round will be held at Western University in Canada from 2023:6 on Thursday, June 8, 22.
From our university, Team XNUMX who won the preliminaries will make a presentation.

Please take a look at the announcement of Hirosaki University!
June 6th (Thursday) 8:22-45:23 (tentative) in Japan time.
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Presentation (Team XNUMX) (From left: Ms. Saeki, Ms. Sugie)

Presentation (Team XNUMX) (From left: Mr. Saito, Mr. Aiba, (Mr. Maruya participates online))