[Study abroad experience] New Zealand short-term training: Auckland University of Technology local program

The summer program was held for two weeks from September 2022th (Monday) to September 9th (Friday), 5 at Auckland University of Technology (AUT) in New Zealand, which is a partner university of Hirosaki University.
Seven students from our university participated.
Although there are still many restrictions due to the corona crisis, students who have experienced studying abroad before us told us about their various experiences at their study abroad destinations.
Let's expand the image of studying abroad with reference!

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▶Those who are thinking of studying abroadplease use this form.


Otowa Gonaikawa
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Cultural Creation Course Multicultural Coexistence Course 3rd year 

While I was studying abroad, I enjoyed visiting sightseeing spots and events in my spare time while taking classes at AUT and staying at home.While sightseeing around the city, I often heard announcements in Maori called Kia ora (=hi, hello), and I also saw that Maori was also used in the pamphlet of the museum.In Auckland, an event called Moon Festival was held to celebrate the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, and we enjoyed Chinese traditional costume shows and Chinese food at the night market called Auckland Night Market.Seeing this, I sensed that the locals were willing to accept the indigenous Maori and other cultures, and I remember wondering why they were so different from Japan even though we lived in the same era. It was a short study abroad period of two weeks, but through this experience, I feel that I have more options in the future, and I want to try more things.Thank you very much for this opportunity.


Anna Horikoshi
Faculty of Medicine Department of Medicine 3st year

Auckland is full of diverse people, and in addition to that, I was placed in an environment where all the letters I saw and the sounds I heard were in English. The AUT class has an atmosphere in which everyone can speak freely, which is different from the one-sided lecture style that we often see in Japan.Thanks to the open atmosphere, I gradually learned to enjoy speaking out in English.What I felt outside of school was the kindness of NZ people.It warmed my heart to see people saying "thank you" to the driver when getting off the bus and always giving way to people crossing the street.

It is difficult to be able to speak English perfectly in two weeks, but even in just two weeks, I was able to live in an English environment, come into contact with various ideas, and broaden my world.

Sojiro Satoh
Faculty of Medicine Department of Medicine 3st year

Auckland has real diversity, and I felt that people of various roots coexisted without difficulty.The English spoken has three different accents.Sometimes the store clerk is non-native.That's why I wanted to speak English so that it could be understood, and I was able to speak English without hesitation.Reissuing bus cards, negotiating with Uber drivers, and asking for refunds.I used English for the first time to live in a situation where I had no choice but to speak English without having time to think about the syntax.When a human is driven into something, something comes out of the mouth. It was my third trip abroad, but I had to be there to understand the atmosphere, sounds, humidity, chilliness, smells, liveliness of the people, and beauty of the scenery.It made me realize once again how important it is to actually go to the place.



Shogo Aoki
Faculty of Science and Engineering Department of Mechanical Science 1st year

I applied for this short-term study abroad program through CampusSquare.I was not confident in my English ability, but I enjoyed these two weeks to the fullest.I remember being nervous when going through customs at the New Zealand airport, wondering if I would finally start using English.At first, it was difficult to get to school, so I took the wrong bus.Going shopping alone, ordering in English for the first time, greeting strangers, traveling far away with fellow Japanese exchange students, spending time with my host family.Everything I experienced in those two weeks was new, stimulating and exciting.This study abroad greatly influenced my awareness and motivation to study, and my future university life.I hope that other people will experience the same feeling.I am sure you will have a great experience!

Completion ceremony