World's Challenge Challenge 2022 in Hirosaki was held

 On Monday, April 2022, 17, World's Challenge Challenge XNUMX in Hirosaki was held online.On the day of the event, students gave presentations in English for XNUMX-XNUMX minutes in teams of two on how to solve the world's problems (the XNUMX goals of the SDGs).Tsukasa Sato (XNUMXst year, Graduate School of Science for Community Development) and Kazuki Sato (XNUMXth year, Faculty of Science and Engineering) made a presentation on the theme of "ECONO BIKE".
 This team will participate in the world competition (online) hosted by Western University in Canada in June.

How was the presentation on the day?please use this form. You can watch it from (Youtube exclusive release).

Presentation XNUMX (From the top, Mr. Kazuki Sato, Mr. Tsukasa Sato)

State of presentation XNUMX