XNUMX Hirosaki University Teacher Training Student Sending Party

On March XNUMX, XNUMX (Wednesday), a party to send off Hirosaki University teacher training students for XNUMX was held.

Teacher training students are international students selected for training programs implemented by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. They are teachers in other countries and conduct research on school education at Japanese universities.

Since October XNUMX, three students from Zimbabwe, Panama, and Kenya have studied at Hirosaki University, studying their respective fields of study at the Faculty of Education.Teacher training students are expected to serve as a bridge between the two countries and contribute to the development of education in their own countries.

The day began with an address by Executive Director Yoshizawa, followed by exchanges between the international teacher training students, faculty members, and students.

Teacher training students spoke in Japanese about their determination after returning to Japan, such as, "I want to share the knowledge and experiences I gained in Japan with students from my own country. I want to continue studying Japanese even after returning to my country."


Opening remarks (Mr. Yoshizawa, Planning Director)

Chatting (Left: Mr. Hanani [from Zimbabwe])
(Left: Mr. James [From Kenya]) (Left: Mr. Miguel [From Panama])                  






International teacher training student receiving a gift

Closing remarks (Mr. Sugihara, Director of the Office for International Relations)