I participated in an exchange meeting with Hirosaki Minami high school students.

On February 3, 2 (Thursday), an exchange event was held for international students from Hirosaki University and first-year students from Hirosaki Minami High School.The exchange meeting was held at the online meeting Zoom to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection, and 4 international students from our university participated.

 On the day of the event, the international students and Hirosaki Minami High School students communicated with each other through an ice-breaking quiz that also served as a self-introduction. After that, the Hirosaki Minami High School students were divided into groups and introduced their research on the XNUMXERs (Energy, Ecology, Endemic, and Resources) of Aomori Prefecture, which was covered in their research activities, to the international students using English leaflets and whiteboards.

 The international students also listened intently to the high school students' presentations, actively asked questions, expressed their impressions, and interacted with each other.