Tobitate!Study Abroad Japan Study Abroad Achievement Report Meeting (North Tohoku National University Joint Achievement Report Meeting) was held

 At the International Relations Headquarters, on Friday, January XNUMX, XNUMX, Tobitate!Study Abroad Japan Study Abroad Results Report Meeting (Northern Tohoku National XNUMX Universities Joint Results Report Meeting) was held online.A total of XNUMX people, including XNUMX from Iwate University, XNUMX from Akita University, and XNUMX from our university, participated in the event.Students from Iwate University and Akita University, who have completed the Study Abroad Japan Japan Representative Program, watched videos of their study abroad reports, and at the end, there was a question-and-answer session with Akita University graduates.

 Tobitate now!We are accepting applications for the XNUMXth batch of Ryugaku JAPAN.Tobitate!Ryugaku JAPAN collects the necessary documents for the application at our university and submits them to the Tobitate Secretariat.For details such as on-campus deadlines,please use this form. Please check from