Director Sugihara participates in an online forum hosted by the Qingdao City Government

 On Friday, December XNUMX, XNUMX, Ms. Kaori Sugihara, Director of the International Relations Office, participated in the “China-Japan-Korea-Thai Higher Education Research Forum” hosted by Qingdao City Government, Shandong Province, China.Qingdao Agricultural University, which has an exchange agreement with our university, invited us to participate in this forum.
 On the day of the event, the conference was held face-to-face at the venue in Qingdao under the theme of "Integrated Development of University and City", and the event was broadcast live online to universities in Japan, South Korea, and Thailand, including our university.After speeches from the guests, about XNUMX participating universities introduced their respective initiatives.Currently, it is not possible to exchange with partner universities through visits as in the past, but the International Relations Office will continue to conduct exchanges online.

Qingdao venue for the China-Japan-Korea-Thai Higher Education Research Symposium

Director of the Office for International Affairs Sugihara introducing the university