HIROSAKI Hayabusa College XNUMXth Recruitment Briefing and XNUMXth Study Abroad Report Session

 On October XNUMX, XNUMX (Wednesday), Hirosaki Hayabusa College XNUMXth Recruitment Briefing and XNUMXth Study Abroad Report Session were held.

 On the day of the event, after an overview of Hayabusa College was explained, there was an explanation of the recruitment for the XNUMXth term.The XNUMXth batch of Hayabusa College students who participated in the short-term overseas training from August to September of this year also reported on their study abroad in Thailand and New Zealand.

 We are currently accepting applications for the XNUMXth term.please use this form.After confirming the recruitment information from , interested students should submit the required documents to the Support Office of the Office of International Relations by the deadline.