31 “Hirosaki University Glocal Human Resource Development Project” results presentation held

 On March XNUMX, XNUMX (Wednesday), the XNUMX Academic Capital Hirosaki Future Fund “Hirosaki University Glocal Human Resource Development Project” achievement presentation was held at the XNUMXth Anniversary Memorial Hall Collab Hongdae.
 This year as well, we received a lot of support from Hirosaki City and the local community, and we were able to implement a total of 120 projects, including XNUMX student-citizen collaboration programs and XNUMX student overseas PBL programs.Approximately XNUMX people attended the event, and the participating students from each team made presentations on their project results using PowerPoint, conveying the results of the program to the visitors and expressing their gratitude.
 In addition, during the meeting with the visitors, the students were interviewed by the press, and the citizens of Hirosaki and the students interacted harmoniously from beginning to end.

*For an overview of the 31 implementation projectplease use this form.You can see from.