Hirosaki University "HIROSAKI Hayabusa College" Workshop

 A workshop was held for the XNUMXth batch of Hirosaki University "HIROSAKI Hayabusa College" for two days from July XNUMXth (Friday) to XNUMXth (Saturday), XNUMX.

 Hirosaki University "HIROSAKI Hayabusa College" is a unique educational program started in XNUMX with the aim of cultivating "global citizens" who can productively contribute to the local community. (For program details,please use this form.please look at. )

 In this workshop, we invited a lecturer from The Peace Foundation in New Zealand, and the theme was "Leadership through Peer Mediation for Student Peace Ambassadors." I learned effective problem-solving skills when conflicts and problems occurred.All workshops were conducted in English, and the students actively engaged in discussions and group work.At the closing ceremony, each student received a workshop completion certificate and received words of encouragement from the lecturer.

 The students are planning to study abroad for four weeks in Thailand or New Zealand during this year's summer vacation.I'm looking forward to the future activities of Hayabusa College students!