Hirosaki University Study Abroad Week (first semester) was held

 Hirosaki University Study Abroad Week (First Semester) was held for one week from May XNUMXth (Friday) to May XNUMXth (Friday), XNUMX.

 Faculty members from the International Relations Office, students of our university who have participated in various forms of overseas study and training, and international students from partner universities took the stage and made presentations.There was a lively question and answer session, and it was a very valuable opportunity for students interested in studying abroad.

 We will continue to hold briefing sessions on partner universities and study abroad as needed, so all students are welcome to attend.

 Currently, on June XNUMXth (Friday) from XNUMX:XNUMX to XNUMX:XNUMX,Taiwan fairis being planned.Details such as the location will be announced separately.