A student of our university has been unofficially accepted as a "NIHONGO Partners"

 Tomomi Kaneko, a third-year student in the Faculty of Humanities, will be sent to Indonesia from September this year to March next year as part of the XNUMXth batch of “NIHONGO Partners” Indonesia sponsored by the Japan Foundation Asia Center.She will be a junior high school or high school student locally, and she will be an assistant in Japanese classes and in charge of cultural exchange activities.

 Mr. Kaneko has been interested in studying abroad since he was in high school.Kaneko first learned about “NIHONGO Partners” in her international relations class.After that, she participated in the “NIHONGO Partners Experience Debriefing Session by Hongdai Graduates” held at our university, and by listening to the experiences of those who had experienced the program, she further deepened her understanding of the program.I wasn't sure if I should study abroad for a long period of time at a partner university, but while learning about poverty and conflicts at the International Peace Studies Seminar I belong to, I was attracted to the fact that I wanted to see the current situation in developing countries, that the purpose of the program was clear and that I could help people, and that there was financial support, so I applied.

 When I asked Mr. Kaneko how he felt now, he said, "When I applied before, I didn't pass. I was worried about job hunting, but I thought I'd regret it if I didn't apply, so I tried again. I was able to get a job offer this time after receiving a lot of guidance from my teachers and alumni. I'm really happy. I'm glad I didn't give up!" "I don't have any qualifications in Japanese language education, but that's why I want to convey the Japan I was born and raised in as it is. For example, I'm from Sapporo and now live in Hirosaki, so I want to convey my life in the snow country."I'm looking forward to what Kaneko will do in the future.

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